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Tutorials are online mini-courses taught by experts in the EPIC community during Learning and Networking Week, Oct 2–6. Tickets are $100 and participation is open to all EPIC2022 attendees—but space in each session is limited. Sign up during or after conference registration.

How to find tutorials in your time zone
In the list below, we’ve indicated the regions for which each session is convenient (but if you’re a night owl or early bird, have at it!). You can also see the schedule in:

1: Human-Centered Recruitment 101

Americas, Europe, Africa

This interactive tutorial teaches best practices for human-centered recruitment and strategies to create positive experiences and add value for research participants, stakeholders, and recruiters.

2: Business Thinking for Ethnographers (waitlist only!)

Americas, Europe, Africa

In this tutorial, you’ll learn key concepts and mindsets of business culture to make your work more intelligible and influential.

3. From Research to Action: Leading Teams Through Synthesis (waitlist only!)

Americas, Europe, Africa

Learn strategies and abductive methods for key challenges in the synthesis stage of research and design projects.

4: Creating a Responsible AI Practice

Americas, Europe, Africa

Learn models and principles to ensure organizations are creating, using, and deploying AI that their coworkers, customers, and society can trust.

5: Research for Accessible and Inclusive Design

Americas, Asia Pacific

Learn tools and strategies for integrating people with disabilities into your research and driving inclusive design.

6: Spatial Ethnography: A Place-Based Approach to Research

Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific

Learn frameworks and techniques to understand how people engage with their physical and material environments and illuminate opportunities for innovation.

7: Frameworks and Foundations for Team Development (waitlist only!)

Americas, Europe, Africa

Develop a targeted strategy for cultivating a successful research team and growing yourself as a leader.

8: Cultural Domain Analysis: Methods for Human Insight Research (waitlist only!)

Americas, Europe, Africa

Learn simple, yet powerful, methods to understand shared cultural knowledge and mental models for a user, market and organizational research.

9: Power Tools for Equity in Research & Design

Americas, Asia Pacific

This tutorial gives you and your teams robust, actionable tools for navigating inequity and shifting power hierarchies, from project planning to implementation.

10: Practicing Theory in Teams: Techno|Theory Deathmatch

Americas, Asia Pacific

Learn a gaming technique for building a collaborative theory practice with cross-functional teams engaged in technology and innovation projects.

11: Systems Theory in Strategic Practice

Americas, Asia Pacific

This tutorial will help you use systems theory and system mapping methods to make, and make sense of, change in the world around you.

12: Seeing Differently: An Introduction to Semiotics

Americas, Europe, Africa

Learn core semiotics concepts and techniques that bring deeper, more meaningful human insight to research, design, strategy and communications

13: An Ethnographer’s Guide to 360 Video

Americas, Europe, Africa

This workshop will give you a critical and technical understanding of the benefits, affordances, and production workflows of 360 video as an ethnographic and research medium.

14: The Ethnographic Arts of Interviewing

Americas, Asia Pacific

This tutorial provides a grounding in ethnographic interviewing, which generates unique value by prompting and actually participating in the articulation of our participants’ worldviews and discourse.

15: Using Ethnofutures to Build Resilience (waitlist only!)

Americas, Asia Pacific

Combine ethnography and forecasting techniques to produce grounded future scenarios for products, services, organizations and communities.