Romit RajRomit Raj is Principal at Quicksand Design Studio in India. He is presenting a paper at EPIC2022 titled “Amplifying Resilient Communities: Identifying Resilient Community Practices to Better Inform Health System Design”.

Tell us about yourself in one sentence.

I am a design researcher and technologist.

Describe your presentation in less than 10 words.

Identifying resilient community practices to better inform health system design.

Without giving too much away, what is the most interesting finding from your talk?

That people’s perception of their own health is more expansive than the view of health public health systems subscribe to.

How do you prepare to speak in public? What’s your process?

I will rehearse the presentation a couple of times but never on the day of the presentation. On that day, I will just try and relax.

What was your process for writing the proposal?

It was a collaborative process. We already had so many amazing things that we learned from an enriching design research process that has been going on for over two years now. It was more about limiting how much we share so it doesn’t become too cumbersome to review.

Are you the person who submits at the last stroke of midnight, or days/weeks before the deadline?

Days before the deadline.

Is this your first EPIC conference? What are you looking forward to at EPIC2022?

Yes, it’s my first. Looking forward to meeting the amazing people in this community, sharing our learnings with them, and learning from them.

If you could recommend a book/article/podcast to our community, what would you recommend and why?

Emergence Magazine has always been a big source of inspiration for us.